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Politics & Policy
Employment Relations
Reforms expected for the Holidays Act along with other changes and clarifications to employment law.
Holidays Act
Business Central has already been party to consultations on the Exposure Draft of the Act.
Minimum Wage
Work is already underway at MBIE to determine what, if any, change will be made to the current minimum wage
The new government is committed to disestablishing Te Pūkenga and restoring regional decision-making and delivery in the ITP network.
Some forecasts are showing we’ll be at zero net migration next year.
Health & Safety
New goal to change the health and safety laws that currently apply to all workplaces.
ACC reveals increasing claims rates across all accounts.
RMA Reform
The Government’s reform of the Resource Management Act (RMA) has progressed further since our Spring Member Briefings.
Government’s goal is to develop infrastructure faster and begin addressing New Zealand’s longstanding infrastructure deficit.
Regional Deals
Another tool that can enable local governments to prioritise and accelerate their infrastructure needs.
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